“Focusing on high-quality [backlinks] over amount is what can help to defend your website as Google updates.”

Adam Riemer

Backlinks are extremely important for SEO. They represent a vote of self-assurance from one internet site to other. As website owners, we always want to bring a lot of organic traffic to our website. To do so, we need to understand two important topics: Relevance and Authority.

  • Relevance- Relevance means that a backlink coming to your website is closely connected or appropriate (content-wise) for your website or page.
  • Authority- It is a quantitative measure that helps to strengthen a website’s visibility in SERP.

Why Backlinks are important for a website’s SEO strategy

Backlinks are important for SEO because they are the foundation of Google’s original PageRank algorithm. This algorithm works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to make a rough estimate of the value of a website. By calculating this value, google will give ranks to those websites in SERP.

There are more benefits of backlinks and they are:

  • Building Brand Authority- If we can get links from popular websites, then it will help us to create brand authority. Google looks at these links as an indication that your website provides useful information.
  • Helps to get steady referral traffic- A single link on a popular website that has a lot of traffic can push organic visibility for years. The reason behind it is that referral traffic is highly targeted.
5 Steps to Improve Off-Page SEO
5 Steps to Improve Off-Page SEO

How to Create Backlinks-:

  1. Broken Link Building- To work on it, first, you need some quality content. Find a popular topic in your niche and create in-depth content. Now to find a broken link. You can take any approach. For example, you can use a chrome extension called LinkMiner to identify broken links on a website. After finding a broken link, reach out to the owner of the website and notify him that there is a broken link on his website and you have a resource that is relevant enough to link. This is how broken link building works.
  1. Resource Link BuildingIt is the process of getting high-quality backlinks from web pages that have valuable information and lists of links to other useful websites. To work on it, you need to identify where your website or content can add value to your audience. Examples of resource pages are local government websites, University websites, job portals, etc. You will often find these types of opportunities by analyzing your competitor’s link profiles. 
  1. Link Gap AnalysisThe process of link gap analysis involves identifying those content topics that could help engage your target audience. One of the quickest ways to find link-building opportunities is to find websites that link to your competitor but do not link to you. After finding such sites, you need to give them a reason to link with you.
  2. Use Infographics to Capture Backlink- Infographics is a graphical representation of information. You can help other content creators by creating engaging and creative infographics. When other content creators will use your infographics in their blogs, they will give you a backlink as the original creator of the visual content.
  3. Guest Blogging- You can easily find guest blogging websites by searching on google. You just need to type the keyword you want to target and add a ‘write for us’ in the end, that’s it. Now the search engine will filter websites for you. Guest blogging is a tried and tested strategy. There are many websites available that offer a contributor account or a ‘write for us’ section and let you link your site within the text of your content.
  4. Participate in Different Forums- Discussion forums are a great place to get backlinks. Because these types of websites not only help in increasing DA (Domain Authority) but also in creating a brand. If you are not sure about which forum to participate in, you can search on google (your niche + forum). As an example, websites like Quora are very good for creating a backlink. You can answer different questions on Quora and link your website to your answer.

There are a lot of different tactics in SEO and link building that you can use according to your website and niche. Now which tactic will work for you depends on your link-building strategy.

All of the above points provide valuable insights that can help you to get started with link building. Older methods become useless in digital marketing but link building remains one of the most effective ways to get a better rank and drive more traffic. This means that the leading edge in SERP will go to the marketers who know how to efficiently implement the link-building strategy.

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