How to do Proper Keyword Research: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you feeling lost in the SEO wilderness? Not sure what keywords to target to bring visitors to your website? Fear not, the Concept of keyword research is here to save the day!

How to do keyword research

What Do You Mean by Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the process of Finding and analyzing valuable search terms used by users to find particular products, Information &services. It involves determining the terms and phrases users enter to find content related to your website or business.

For Example: If you wrote “Digital Marketing Institute in Kolkata ‘’ in the Google Search Bar then it will showcase a bunch of Articles and blogs similar to these keywords.

digital marketing institute in Kolkata

Why Keyword Research is Important?

  • Help in increasing website traffic: By using the right keywords, you can easily attract customers according to your Niche. This is because the keyword you are using to appear in the search engine (SERP) is highly associated with your niche.
  • Increase Conversion Rate: If you are ranking above in the Search Engine there are more changes of qualified visitors coming to your website. You can easily convert them.
  • Better understanding of Target Audience: Doing Proper Keyword Research helps you to find what your target audience is interested in. According to this, you can plan your marketing and content strategy.
  • Competitive advantage: You can create a plan to outrank your rivals by researching the terms they are using. You may have a big competitive advantage as a result.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Regular keyword research is essential because search trends are ever-changing. This will guarantee that your website is always visible to potential clients and help you stay ahead of the curve.

In short, Doing Keyword Research is very essential for anyone who wants to create a successful Online Presence. Understanding what people are searching for will help to build a successful marketing strategy for your brand.

Most Common Types of Keywords

1.Short Keywords: These are short-term generally (one or two) term keywords that have a very high Search Volume.


Digital marketing local seo

2. Long Tail Keywords: These are longer and more specific and contain 3 or 4 more terms that have lower search volume.


Example of Long tail keyword

Now as you start Keyword Research it is very necessary to keep in mind “Why someone conducts a Search Online” and this is known as Search Intent or User Intent. Search intent is of 3 types:

  1. Informational: Users are searching for something knowledgeable or to learn something new. They might ask questions or research new topics.
  2. Navigational: In this Users are searching for any particular website, or webpage or searching any specific location. They might ask for a brand name or a specific website.
  3. Transactional: In this Users are considered to make any purchase. They might ask to “Order now, Proceed to buy”.

By understanding this, search Intent you can provide a better user experience.

Common Mistakes or Struggles faced before discovering the effective keywords.

  1. Not Understanding Your Target Audience: The biggest mistake we made during keyword Research was that we didn’t understand “the needs of our customers, what they want or their pain points and what kind of language they used”. Once you understand all these things it will be easier to do keyword research from their point of view.
  2. Not Using Keyword Research Tools: There are several free and paid tools for doing keyword research. These tools play a very vital role in Keyword Research.
  3. Using any wrong Keywords: Using popular Keywords doesn’t mean they are suitable for your business. If you are just using long trail keywords then it will have very high competition or using too specific keywords then it will narrow down your Traffic so it is essential to mix the use of keywords to get better results.
  4. Ignoring Search Intent: Search Intent means the intention behind any search has been done. When you are doing your keyword research it is very important to understand the search intent of the user and what they are asking. Are People looking for informational content or Its navigational? As soon you understand this search intent it will help you create user intent Content.
  5. Not Doing Competitor’s Research: Always keep an eye on your Competitors. Understanding where your competitors are ranking and what keywords they are using will be beneficial for you it will help you to target on same keywords.

Till Now you understand the concept of keyword Research & Common mistakes everyone makes during Keyword Research. Now let’s understand how to do Proper Keyword Research.

How to Choose the Right Keywords for your Blog or Website?

Choosing the Perfect keywords for your blog or website is very important for attracting traffic which is organic and it will help you to rank high in the search Engine. Here’s providing a breakdown of how to make the best choices:

1. Keyword Research:

  • Brainstorming:  First, use your brain and note down the relevant term that first comes to mind. Think from the point of view of the audience.
  • Keyword Tools: There are various tools available in the market. Tools like Google keywords, Arhef, Semrush, etc some are free tools, and some are paid. These tools help to know about search volume, DA PA, and Competitor analysis.

2. Keep in mind the Search Intent:

Before doing any Keyword Research always keep in mind about the Search Intent i.e. what is the main reason behind any particular search? In simple term, you have to understand the search intent of your user what they are asking. If they are asking any informational (example: best digital marketing institute) Transactional ( example: Purchase digital marketing course online) and Navigational (example: Digital Marketing Website).

   3. Use Keyword Targeting:

  • Focus: Targeting a specific keyword will help to reach your goal soon. Firstly, choose a main keyword which have a good search volume and then target a specific page you can use   Choose a primary keyword with good search volume and target it for a specific page.
  • Variety of Keyword: Always include primary and secondary keywords in your blogs and website it gave proper balance of Keyword and help to rank top in search Engine.
  • Keyword Difficulty:

 Don’t choose keywords which are very difficult or high search volume Always keep in your mind after choosing any keyword:

                      High Volume + Low Competition = Prioritize

If you choose any keyword with very high Search Volume then it may be harder to rank in the search Engine. Instead you can choose those keywords which can create value on your content and help out to stand out from the competition.

  5. Monitor and Adapt:

  • Monitor results: To determine which keywords are generating traffic and conversions, use analytics tools.
  • Review frequently: Adjust your keyword approach in light of search trends and performance statistics.

Lastly, Remember Keyword Research is an ongoing process and you can’t stop doing experiments. Always monitor which keyword is working or not and update your sites according to that.

How to Research Perfect Keywords?

1. Tool Time: Find Keywords through Tools

Google Keyword Planner: This is a free keyword Planner tool by Google itself that provides insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords. Simply add any keyword related to your niche and it will provide simpler keywords related to your niche.

Google keyword planner for keyword research

Ahrefs: This is quite a famous paid tool for doing keyword Research. Ahrefs provides in-depth keyword Research. Find out the cost-per-click (CPC) for sponsored ads, the complexity of the keywords, and even.

Ahrefs keyword research

SEMrush:  SEMrush is an all-in-one paid keyword research tool that provides competitor analysis, backlink tracking Keyword Research, etc.

SEMrush for keyword research

2. Beyond the Tools: Brainstorming Like a Pro

Tools are powerful, beyond tools you can use your brain and can easily find tons of Keywords for your niche:

  • Niche Forums: Add yourself to online communities of niched industry. It will help you to understand your target audience what they are asking, and any problems faced by them. It will clear your opinion and thoughts about the matter.
  • Competitor Audit: You can Spy on Your Competitors through various auditing tools. Audit their content, Social Media posts, paid ads, etc to see what keywords they are targeting and you can learn from their success.
  • Check Social Media Trends:  Use different platforms like Twitter and Reddit to find trending topics and other stuff related to your niche. These can help to come across new keywords.

How to do proper Tracking Traffic and keyword Strategy

  • Google Analytics: It is a very important tool for your website as soon as visitors land on your website, Google Analytics starts playing a very vital role it will analyse all the data of organic traffic driven by keywords and help to understand the human behaviour’s and track the conversion.
  •  UTM Parameters: Use UTM parameters to get more detailed information. By adding individual tags to your URLs, you can find the exact keyword driving traffic and conversions and gain full insights into the success of your campaign.

Adjusting Your Keyword Strategy:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: When you are using analysis tools always act on the data optimize your content and keywords according to the results and change the keywords that are underperforming.
  • Content Alteration: Weekly or monthly audit your content and make necessary alterations for better SEO. Always Align your Content with User Intent and relevant Keywords. Use On-Page techniques like meta description, title, slugs, and internal linking to alter and optimize the content.
  • Keep Up with Trends: Search trends are continually changing. Always use keyword research tools to find new trends and optimize your approach accordingly. For a more intense effect, use long-tail keywords that have more search intent and low competition.


Keyword Research is not a one-time effort it’s a continuous process. By using the right tools and approaching the right methods and strategy you can attract qualified traffic to your website and blog and easily achieve your SEO goals.

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